Dr Kaan Alton Inner World Psychology

Private Psychology Services


0208 252 77 40

Develop skills in managing anger

Do you find it challenging to manage your anger? Struggling to stay calm and let go of angry thoughts? Seeking to enhance communication, problem-solving skills, and adopt a more composed approach?

It's normal to feel angry at times due to life stresses, but anger becomes a problem when it's too strong, happens too often, or lasts too long. Difficulties controlling anger can lead to strained relationships and workplace conflicts, often stemming from past trauma, chronic stress, or underlying mental health conditions. Learning effective coping strategies and seeking psychological therapy, such as CBT or Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), can help individuals manage intense emotions and improve overall well-being.

If you need help with managing your anger, please get in touch with me at 0208 252 7740 or via the form below.


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