Dr Kaan Alton Inner World Psychology

Private Psychology Services


0208 252 77 40

Coping with stress

Feeling overwhelmed and demotivated? Struggling to prioritize self-care? Finding it hard to say no to others? Too many demands placed on you? Difficulty seeking help? Struggling to prioritize? Stress levels overflowing?

Life changes can be stressful for many people. Stress is often used to describe the feeling of being overwhelmed by the demands of life. While occasional stress is common, long-term stress can negatively impact our health. It's important to find ways to manage and control stress. Coping with stress is crucial for maintaining mental and emotional well-being when facing life's challenges.

Psychological therapies like CBT provide valuable strategies for dealing with stress and its challenges. Through therapy, individuals can develop the skills and resources needed to manage stress effectively and promote overall well-being.

If you're seeking therapy for stress-related difficulties, feel free to contact me at 0208 252 7740 or send me a message using the form below to see if I can help.


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