Dr Kaan Alton Inner World Psychology

Private Psychology Services


0208 252 77 40

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)


ACT is a type of talking therapy that aims to help you improve your ‘psychological flexibility’, encouraging healthy contact with thoughts, reconnection with the here and now, realising personal values, and commitment to behaviour change.

The fundamental message of ACT is empowering: embrace what you cannot control while taking deliberate steps to enhance your life. ACT aims to equip individuals with the tools to lead purposeful lives while navigating inevitable pain and stress. ACT offers invaluable skills to manage distressing thoughts and emotions effectively and to identify what holds true significance and purpose for you. ACT incorporates principles of CBT and integrates newer approaches like mindfulness and acceptance.

Research has shown that the ACT therapy model can be beneficial for various health conditions and issues, including chronic pain, sleep problems, and mental health difficulties such as depression, anxiety, trauma and OCD.

If you think this type of therapy may work for you, feel free to reach out to me at 0208 252 7740 or send me a message using the form below.


Take the first step towards positive change and begin your path towards mental health and emotional wellness today